Hi Chris,

On 11/01/2020 00:57, Chris Lamb wrote:
> … but if you could make it straightforward for me to test I would be
> more than willing to give it a whirl myself and see whether I can
> reproduce the conditions that can cause the failure under reprotest.

Thanks for the offer.

If you take v2.6.3 from unstable and use the attached patch, the test
passes in a standard schroot, but fails in reprotest.

I'm using

 prove -lv t/1628_import_pdf_metadata.t

to test normally, and

 reprotest -vv 'prove -lv t/1628_import_pdf_metadata.t' 'dist/*.tar.gz'

from reprotest.

Specifically, the PDF creation datetime is being returned as 2018-12-31
00:00, rather than the expected 12:00, but the timezone in reprotest
seems to be GMT.

I'd be glad of any insights.


diff --git a/t/1628_import_pdf_metadata.t b/t/1628_import_pdf_metadata.t
index 49745104..21053eea 100644
--- a/t/1628_import_pdf_metadata.t
+++ b/t/1628_import_pdf_metadata.t
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use strict;
 use Gscan2pdf::Document;
 use Gtk3 -init;    # Could just call init separately
 use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_DHMS);
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Test::More tests => 5;
@@ -31,18 +31,6 @@ $slist->import_files(
         my ($metadata) = @_;
         my @tz = ( 0, -$metadata->{tz}[3], -$metadata->{tz}[4], 0 );
         my @gmt = Add_Delta_DHMS( @{ $metadata->{datetime} }, @tz );
-        # reprotest has a environment which confuses the timezone maths.
-        # So skipping the test including the hour until I understand it.
-      SKIP: {
-            skip
-'skipping the full datetime + timezone test until I understand it better',
-              1;
-            is_deeply \@gmt, [ 2018, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0 ], 'datetime - timezone';
-        }
-        # setting the hour to be able to test the rest
-        $gmt[3] = 12;
         is_deeply \@gmt, [ 2018, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0 ], 'datetime - timezone';
         is $metadata->{author},   'Author',   'author';
         is $metadata->{subject},  'Subject',  'subject';

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