On 2020-01-08, Jeff wrote:
> I didn't express myself very well. I found a bug in my code causing it
> not to parse the GMT-14 timezone, and fixed it here:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/gscan2pdf/code/ci/3fa16ee77c5fffde5b8c48a0213d387b087fd2e0/
> That fixed the general problem, and just leaves me scratching my head
> over this:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/gscan2pdf/code/ci/master/tree/t/1628_import_pdf_metadata.t
> The above skipped test fails in reprotest (but not in any normal
> schroot). Whatever variants I change like this:
> reprotest -vv --variations="-time" 'prove -lv
> t/1628_import_pdf_metadata.t' 'dist/*.tar.gz'
> The build log still gives me:
> INFO:reprotest:build "control": FIX environment, FIX build_path, FIX
> kernel, FIX aslr, FIX num_cpus, FIX time, FIX user_group, FIX
> fileordering, FIX domain_host, FIX home, FIX locales, FIX exec_path, FIX
> timezone, FIX umask
> How do I narrow down which variant caused the problem?

Try reprotest --auto-build, which attempts to bisect which variation is
causing the issue, but it's very build intensive, of course... so a bit
time consuming.

Which I know isn't exactly what you were looking for, but maybe you
missed the option and have a machine you can leave running for a long
time and come back to later which might point out where to look more

> How do I reproduce it outside reprotest?

I do not think anyone knows at this point, unfortunately.

Good luck and thanks for trying to sort out this particularly sneaky

live well,

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