Broken record here:
DC coupled array, even if its just 1 kW. That failure is classic AC
coupled death spiral. Leak caused the pump to run, pump ran the battery
down, Sunny Island shut off, now no gen start or PV. We're trying to fix
an orphaned SMA system now, the gen start is particularly problematic,
because we can only see to trigger it on %SOC, not Vdc. That's a
problem, since as batteries age, or if the SOC metering otherwise gets
off, then the generator doesn't start before the Sunny Island shuts
down. triggering on %SOC is all fine and good, as long as it has backup
override that starts the generator before the batteries get to 44 V.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 12/17/20 5:49 PM, Tump wrote:
This is totally normal w/ the displays. There IS an emergency charge
setting…. You put AC into the AC out essentially AC coupling w/ the
genset. Page 222 section 20.10. This works only w/ FLA batteries.
What was the issue w/ the generator battery? I install a small AC
charger for the generator battery. There are “ auto start functions”
234.07 Auto gen start is also 235.01
Is there internet/ cell at the site?
On Dec 17, 2020, at 1:51 PM, William Miller <
<>> wrote:
I have a client living off-grid with a Sunny Island system AC coupled
to Sunny Boy inverters. They returned from being away to find the
system entirely shutdown due to cloudy weather, a dead generator
cranking battery and a water leak which ran two booster pumps
continuously over a period of time. The displays on the Sunny
Islands were blank and therefore the inverters would not start.
We put a new cranking battery into the generator and got it started,
but with no life in the Sunny Islands, neither the generator nor the
Sunny Boys had any possibility of reviving the discharged 6,000
amp-hour lead acid battery array. Fortunately after disconnecting
the batteries for ten minutes, the voltage rebounded just enough to
start the Sunny Islands which allowed the generator to connect and we
were back in operation.
I am not sure why the displays went dead on the Sunny Islands. I am
on my way back out to download and examine the SD card logs. I have
developed an Excel tool to help me tabulate the data. Maybe there is
some clue in those files.
In the meantime I have these questions that those of you with more
Sunny Island experience might be able to answer:
1.Is it normal for the display screens on the Sunny Islands to go
blank after shutting off due to low battery voltage?
2.Is there an up-to-date option for remote monitoring that will send
an email if certain error conditions occur?
3.What would you do with a 6k AH battery bank with a voltage too low
to start a battery inverter or solar charge controller?
Thanks in advance. The wrenches hive-mind is a huge asset.
William Miller
Miller Solar
17395 Oak Road, Atascadero, CA 93422
805-438-5600 <>
CA Lic. 773985
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