So far rapid shutdown has been a nightmare. It’s added a lot of cost for no 
measurable benefit.
Using always off devices like midnight solar and Tigo makes it impossible to 
test open circuit voltages. Which opens the door to tons of problems when 
commissioning systems. 
Also we’ve been trying out midnight Solar’s product and have had an absurd 
failure rate. Which means lots of truck rolls and troubleshooting and system 
downtime. They send replacement product but they aren’t paying for the lost 
weeks of productivity.
We have Tigo product in hand and are deciding which project to try it on. But 
our big concern about using it is not only the inability to confirm open 
circuit voltage of the strings but also the way panels bypass if the device 
doesn’t allow the panel to connect properly. Both of these features are a 
recipe for problems and potential troubleshooting nightmares. The warranty from 
Tigo doesn’t cover our expense if the product fails. And that’s really what our 
reservations about the product boil down to right now. If we’re on a job with 
50 units and one fails, the contractor or the homeowner will be the ones eating 
the expense of finding it and replacing it. There has to be a better option. 

Sky Sims

> On Apr 28, 2020, at 7:46 PM, Corey Shalanski <> wrote:
> Now that 690.12 of the NEC 2017 has been in effect for several years, I am 
> curious how designers and installers are meeting the associated requirements 
> with string inverter-based systems (*not* considering microinverters or DC 
> optimizers). I am generally a fan of the KISS principle, and as best I can 
> determine the Tigo TS4-F device is one of the simplest options currently 
> available on the market. What are others finding?
> I'd love to hear about favored options for complying with rapid shutdown. Any 
> success stories? or better yet, any early failures?
> --
> Corey Shalanski
> Jah Light Solar
> Portland, Jamaica
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