We did a small project with Prism two years ago. In the end (3) of our (30)
panels shattered over the course of the first year. Learning curve all
around. Be very careful, the edges are super fragile and a mild impact can
cause the whole panel to shatter (their engineers said that once an
installers wedding ring shattered a panel when he grabbed it!?). Not sure
if that is the case with all bifacials or just theirs. Prism replaced at
least 2 (maybe all 3?) panels for us, but was a pain to extract them from
the array. But, as Andrew mentioned, Tyler and everyone there was super
patient  and helpful through it all.

The custom racking that Prism recommended looked sleek but ultimately I
think it caused us a lot of problems and I probably wouldn’t use it again.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 6:17 PM Andrew Truitt <atru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris - A few resources:
> Jorge Blanquet at Silfab: j.blanq...@silfabsolar.com.  We used their
> SLA-X 295 modules for a carport project and Jorge was helpful in helping
> source from 2 different distributors (CED and Krannich).  The mods are well
> built but we're not seeing much backside production.  Word on the street is
> they flash test their bifacials against a white background.
> Tyler Stewart at Prism: t.stew...@prismsolar.com.  I'm not sure if Prism
> is selling into the resi market right now but Tyler is a good guy and will
> help you if he can.
> Chris Deline at NREL: chris.del...@nrel.gov.  Chris is working on
> simulating bifacial production in various applications, following on from
> his earlier work <https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy16osti/66496.pdf>.  If this
> customer has a dark roof backside production will be minimal, but if they
> have a lighter colored roofing material it could boost production, and
> Chris might be able to point you towards some resources to help estimate
> that.
> Regards,
> Andrew Truitt
> www.dr.ventures
> d: 202.486.7507
> NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional ID: 032407-66
> Colorado Journeyman Electrician License No.: 600132
> [image: Logo]
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> On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 12:30 PM Chad Waits <chadwa...@netzerosolar.net>
> wrote:
>> LG makes bifacials. BayWa will have a stock of them.
>> good luck.
>> Chad Waits
>> President
>> 520-270-4873
>> On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 10:31 AM Ryan Harkins <
>> ryan.hark...@energycraft.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Chris,
>>> Speed Solar, Inc. in Deerfield, WI stocks bifacial modules from
>>> Adani/Mundra Solar.
>>> (608) 764-4900
>>> a...@speedsolar.net
>>> Ask for Al or Cal.
>>> Now mounting is the trick!
>>> Best,
>>> Ryan
>>> On Aug 13, 2019, at 9:08 AM, <ch...@oasismontana.com <
>>> ch...@oasismontana.com> wrote:
>>> Hello people:
>>> We have a customer with their heart set on bi-facial modules for their
>>> residential project.  Despite the lack of import tariffs, they are not
>>> easily found.  Does anyone know of a company offering these?  Thanks!
>>> Chris Daum
>>> Oasis Montana Inc.
>>> 406-777-4309
>>> 406-777-4309 fax
>>> *www.oasismontana.com <http://www.oasismontana.com>*
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Autonomous Energies
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