I want to add here that this whole thread came about because of a special and 
unusual need that a client of mine had. I received a few comments about why was 
I doing it this way. But the client wanted it this way, and I agreed so my job 
was to make it happen, with I did.  

With the help of many people from outback ( whom I’d like to thank all of them 
very much)  we did come up with a fix, which is what Lones has described below. 

And this customer is very savvy, and knows how to get around the M3.  His 
normal mode is a standard volt/% AGS start.  When he is done with this odd 
situation he will put the Generator mode back to AC from DC.  


Jay Peltz

> On May 9, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Lones Tuss <lt...@outbackpower.com> wrote:
> Hello Fellow Wrenches
>  Due to customer feedback OutBack decided to automatically enable the 
> Inverters Ac Charger
> if the Mate(3) called for an AGS (gen run) condition.  The general opinion 
> here is if the gen is running you might as well allow it to charge your 
> batteries. Before we did this there were instances of generators running for 
> hours/days before the end user discovered he had set the charger to OFF. 
> That being said if charging by the inverter is not desired during a Gen run 
> there
> are several methods which will allow charging to be disabled.
> The method you use will more than likely depend on your situation.
> If you wish to stop charging for the current gen run simply turn the Charge 
> Off after the gen is running.
> On the Mate3 press the Charger Button select OFF.
> On the Mate and Mate2 press the AC Input button three times
> the Charger can be turned  OFF there.
> If it is necessary to turn the charger off on a more permanent basis there 
> are a couple of different approaches.
> One method is to go to the inverter charger menu and set the absorb and float 
> timers to zero.
> Another method and perhaps the easiest would be to change the gen type to DC 
> or None.
> Of these two I would suggest DC as the preferred choice.
> After setting the Inverter Charger to Off follow the path as described below 
> On the Mate3 press the 
> LOCK button
> Enter 141
> Select 
> Settings then
> System  then 
> System Information
> change Gen Type to DC or None.
> If the inverters charger is disabled it will remain so when AGS calls for a 
> gen run.
> On the Mate or Mate2
> In the AGS program menu select DC gen and the Auto Charge feature will be 
> negated.
> The above will work if the gen run is caused by the following AGS triggers.
> Load Start, Must Run, Generator Exercise
> If the gen run condition is a Voltage Start the trigger to turn the gen off 
> is the batteries must reach the Absorb Voltage for the Absorb Time.
> If the gen run condition is SOC the trigger to turn the gen off is the 
> batteries must reach
> the end SOC set point.
> These points may be unachievable with the inverters charger set to OFF.
> If this is the case lack of fuel may be the gen stop reason.
> Lones Tuss
> Applications Engineer
> OutBack Power Technologies
> 17825 59th Ave NE, Suite B, Arlington, WA 98223
> 360.618.4383 Office | 425.213.8794 Cell
> www.outbackpower.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On 
> Behalf Of Darren Emmons
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 10:57 AM
> To: RE-wrenches
> Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback programing question
> When the generator is auto started, the inverter's charger will be enabled. 
> After the generator is stopped, the inverter's charger will be returned to 
> the mode before the generator started. The logic is if you are running the 
> generator the Inverter's charger should be enabled. You could lower the 
> charger AC limit to 0 Amps.
> 08:00 Inverter charger OFF
> 10:00 Must run start -> charger ON
> 11:00 Must run stop -> charger OFF
>> Darren

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