Hello Fellow Wrenches

  Due to customer feedback OutBack decided to automatically enable the 
Inverters Ac Charger
if the Mate(3) called for an AGS (gen run) condition.  The general opinion here 
is if the gen is running you might as well allow it to charge your batteries. 
Before we did this there were instances of generators running for hours/days 
before the end user discovered he had set the charger to OFF. 

That being said if charging by the inverter is not desired during a Gen run 
are several methods which will allow charging to be disabled.

The method you use will more than likely depend on your situation.
If you wish to stop charging for the current gen run simply turn the Charge Off 
after the gen is running.
On the Mate3 press the Charger Button select OFF.
On the Mate and Mate2 press the AC Input button three times
the Charger can be turned  OFF there.

If it is necessary to turn the charger off on a more permanent basis there are 
a couple of different approaches.
One method is to go to the inverter charger menu and set the absorb and float 
timers to zero.
Another method and perhaps the easiest would be to change the gen type to DC or 
Of these two I would suggest DC as the preferred choice.
After setting the Inverter Charger to Off follow the path as described below 

On the Mate3 press the 
LOCK button
Enter 141
Settings then
System  then 
System Information
change Gen Type to DC or None.
If the inverters charger is disabled it will remain so when AGS calls for a gen 
On the Mate or Mate2
In the AGS program menu select DC gen and the Auto Charge feature will be 

The above will work if the gen run is caused by the following AGS triggers.
Load Start, Must Run, Generator Exercise
If the gen run condition is a Voltage Start the trigger to turn the gen off is 
the batteries must reach the Absorb Voltage for the Absorb Time.
If the gen run condition is SOC the trigger to turn the gen off is the 
batteries must reach
the end SOC set point.
These points may be unachievable with the inverters charger set to OFF.
If this is the case lack of fuel may be the gen stop reason.

Lones Tuss
Applications Engineer
OutBack Power Technologies
17825 59th Ave NE, Suite B, Arlington, WA 98223
360.618.4383 Office | 425.213.8794 Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf 
Of Darren Emmons
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 10:57 AM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback programing question

When the generator is auto started, the inverter's charger will be enabled. 
After the generator is stopped, the inverter's charger will be returned to the 
mode before the generator started. The logic is if you are running the 
generator the Inverter's charger should be enabled. You could lower the charger 
AC limit to 0 Amps.

08:00 Inverter charger OFF
10:00 Must run start -> charger ON
11:00 Must run stop -> charger OFF


On 04/27/2016 05:31 PM, jay wrote:
> HI All,
> I've got a problem that outback tech hasn't been able to figure out.
> off grid system
> mate 3
> quad stacked VFX 3648
> The generator is set to specific start/stop daily timer.  This works fine.
> The client has plenty of solar for the day, and when he runs his generator he 
> doesn't want the chargers to operate.
> OK so just hit charge off, and yes the chargers will turn off.
> But next day, genny starts up, and the chargers come back on as well.
> Outback says that shouldn't be happening, but it is.
> Anybody have this issue or know of a fix?
> Thanks
> jay
> peltz power
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