Our house is on the ocean,  in the Caribbean. If you are using something
like SnapNRack,  where a stainless bolt goes through an aluminium channel
nut, use Permatex or it will seize. Other than that,  I have not seen
racking corrosion in eight years on the roof. Put all the clamps, bolts,
nuts etc, in a bucket and spray it all with Permatex anti seize. It will be
messy but very effective. You'll have fingerprints on the modules but oh,
On Jan 28, 2016 2:16 PM, "Ray Walters" <r...@solarray.com> wrote:

> I would use a SS washer with integrated Neoprene rubber gasket.  We use
> them on roof work, and Unirac uses them under the lag on their roof
> flashings.
> [image: Image result for neoprene washers]
> https://www.copperstate.com/shop/429/neoprene-washers
> Thanks,
> R.Ray Walters
> CTO, Solarray, Inc
> Nabcep Certified PV Installer,
> Licensed Master Electrician
> Solar Design Engineer303 505-8760
> On 1/28/2016 8:25 AM, Jay wrote:
> Hi Larry
> I wasn't planning on installing anything between al and al. Just between
> SS and al. So the module will still be bolted directly to the al rack
> material. I'm not too worried about the grounding, and certainly not
> worried enough to install lay in lugs with copper to each module.
> As lones pointed out, there are parts that would insulate the bolt.
> But as the owner hasn't requested that, not going to suggest it!
> I sure didn't plan on stirring the pot like this.
> Just really wanted some help on sourcing the washers
> Thanks
> Jay
> Peltz power
> On Jan 28, 2016, at 6:49 AM, Starlight Solar Power Systems <
> la...@starlightsolar.com> wrote:
> Hey Jay,
> I’m still trying to picture this and had a thought: If you isolate the
> module from the rack electrically with these washers, and both are
> grounded, and the two grounds are not at the same potential (different
> length ground runs), you may be creating a path for high voltage into the
> array in event of a near lightning strike.
> Also, if the washer is between the two metals, how will you isolate the
> bolt that puts them together from not touching the sides of the holes?
> Perhaps you need to look into non-conductive fasteners as well.
> Larry Crutcher
> Starlight Solar Power Systems
> On Jan 27, 2016, at 6:44 PM, Jay <jay.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok here is the long form.
> Customers system is in Mexico, Baja. So I'm not concerned about legal
> issues.
> It is a custom racking design to fit his house.
> Flat concrete roof,low tilt design with extra heavy duty engineering for
> hurricanes. Easy access for future MX of all fasteners
> Owner lives on his own island in the South Pacific.
> This is his 2nd ( more?) house.
> He wants this. I've told him all of what you all and have said including
> that there will need to be future mx to check bolt tightness.
> I am going to do it for him.
> Thanks for all the advice on where to get look for the parts he's looking
> for.
> Jay
> Peltz power.
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