If memory serves me correctly and this is the off grid Generac they are 
available as a 120 volt and it takes a new breaker and rewiring to get 120 / 
240 out of them
I run into this in the past they actually had it wired for 240 into a balancing 
transformer to feed 120 into the inverter

We could've just left it at 120 volt 

Bob ellison 

Bob Ellison

> On Dec 16, 2014, at 11:33 AM, "Baxter, Gary" <gbax...@sensata.com> wrote:
> Hi Mac,
> Jay just had the same issue and it was 120v from the gen instead of 120/240. 
> The inverter was charging using half the windings causing it to Overtemp.
> Check the 60A breakers on the side of the inverter. Also make sure to remove 
> the wires from the input terminal block before measuring voltage as the 
> inverter will make 120v look like 120/240v at the terminals.
> If the generator is 3 Phase it won't work with this inverter unless you only 
> use one leg. This will work but you will need to turn the charge rate to 50% 
> in order to prevent Overtemp. Sometimes it works as high as 70%.
> Gary Baxter
> Product Manager
> Magnum/Dimensions
> On Dec 15, 2014, at 12:12 PM, Mac Lewis <maclew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi jarmo,
>> We have verified this is split phase 120/240. My multimeter gets 120 L-N and 
>> 240 L-L.
>> Thanks
>>> On Dec 15, 2014 10:25 AM, <jarmo.venalai...@schneider-electric.com> wrote:
>>> Hi: 
>>> The Generac QT02224GNAX ships as a three-phase 120/208 VAC.  I believe the 
>>> Magnum is a 120/240 VAC. 
>>> _____________________________________________________________________________________
>>> Jarmo Venalainen  |   Schneider Electric   |  Solar Business  |   CANADA  | 
>>>   Training & Development Specialist - Senior 
>>> Phone: +604-422-2528  |   Fax: +604-420-1591  |   Mobile: +604-505-0291 
>>> Email: jarmo.venalai...@schneider-electric.com  |   Site: www.SEsolar.com  
>>> |   Address: 3700 Gilmore Way, Burnaby, BC V5G4M1 
>>> <mime-attachment.jpg>
>>> *** Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 
>>> From:       Mac Lewis <maclew...@gmail.com>
>>> To: RE-wrenches <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org>,
>>> Date:       12/15/2014 05:52 AM
>>> Subject:    [RE-wrenches] Generac QT series
>>> Sent by:    "RE-wrenches" <re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org>
>>> Hello wrenches, 
>>> We have a newly installed system that has a 22 kW Generac Quiet Source 
>>> QT02224GNAX with a Magnum MS4448-PAE.  When we start the generator, the 
>>> Magnum's internal transformer temperature climbs to overtemp (240F) within 
>>> a 2 minutes.  The batteries are being floated at the time, and haven't seen 
>>> more than 5A coming out of the generator.  We swapped the Magnum out, and 
>>> we have the exact same issue.  We then got a job-site gas generator 6500W 
>>> and ran it.  No problem whatsoever.  The problem appears to be with the 
>>> Generac, or with the interaction between the Generac & the Magnum.  I 
>>> didn't have a scope on site but the fluke multimeter doesn't detect 
>>> anything wrong with the voltage or frequency coming from the Generac. 
>>> Has anyone had issues with the Generac QT?  Anyone paired one with a Magnum 
>>> PAE before?  I want to get my scope up there and look for triplen 
>>> harmonics, but I'm not sure how to filter these out.  Any references on how 
>>> to effectively do that is appreciated. 
>>> Thanks in advance 
>>> -- 
>>> Mac Lewis
>>> "Yo solo sé que no sé nada." -Sócrates
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