Gentle men and women, I don't quite understand the seemingly nearly universal aversion to FULL DISCLOSURE of all prices: components, markup, overhead, travel, labor, whatever.
This is the good old US of A, where apparently, we're still afraid of saying the taxpayers "own" the banks, even though we've paid for them. If we're embracing capitalism and profit and the whole shebang, let's at least be honest about it. It's not easy to run a small business, or a large one successfully. I feel I earn what I charge. I tell customers what my costs are, and what my markup is, and don't feel guilty about it. Sometimes the markup varies depending on who I'm working for or the nature of the job. Regardless, I feel the customer has a right to know. A customer also has the right to get bids from as many contractors as they wish, or to purchase directly from Cheapo Depot at about what I pay for components anyway. If a customer really wants to find the price of something, they will. I'm amused when a customer wishes to purchase materials themselves, to avoid paying my markup. If I can afford it, and I want the job, and I like them, sometimes they get to do that. Many times they don't. They either decide it's worth it to work with me, find another contractor, do it themselves, or don't get it done. Someone once said to me, "Its not rocket science". No, it's not, but it is by no means easy to do it right either. There's a long learning curve, and often it's plain hard work. There are also many hours spent doing design or any number of other things that don't get directly billed. If someone asks, "How can you justify that 30% (or whatever) markup?", I can answer any number of ways. It is enough to say, "I've found that it's required, in order to stay in business." A lot of my time doing solar work is taken up educating customers about solar. Why their array is wired for 48 volts, while their battery is 24 volts, for instance. Education sometimes includes, "This is how business works". Rant off. Dick Solarwind Electric Bradford, VT --- You wrote: Hey guys, Is this a list that can be viewed by the public or what? If it is - why are we advertising the lowest prices we can buy PV for? Would you intentionally tell a potential client - "I'm buying PV for 2.95/watt but I'll sell it to you for 3.95 - how do you like that?" I spoke to Michael about this a month ago regarding posts about battery pricing and he said it CAN be viewed by the public although it isn't advertised. He also said that he found a link to a post from this list on GOOGLE although it's not supposed to be there. Google is about as public as it gets! I don't know about your customers but if mine knew there was 2.95/watt pv out there they'd want to pay 2.95 /watt and not a penny more. Same thing for batteries and everything else we sell. Especially in this economy. Understand - I have the utmost respect for all the posters on this list and recognize that some of you have decades more business experience than I do. However, I strongly suggest if you want to talk pricing with people - contact them off list. I don't see where publishing your wholesale discount pricing on the web is good for your business, my business, or the RE industry as a whole. Best, Greg Egan Remote Power Inc. --- end of quote --- _______________________________________________ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & settings: List-Archive: List rules & etiquette: Check out participant bios: