Would be interested to know what width tires/wheel size and pedals you 
prefer?  I have a canti LongLow made brevet ready and on 32mm actual 
Kojaks. I could go to an actual 37mm with fenders, I think, with some 
creativity.  I have flat pedals on the bike and SPDs/mountain bike shoes in 
my box of stuff.  I like the idea of trail shoes and flat pedals, but for 
longer rides I'm wondering how those would work out. I've done one 400km 
and several 200km rides, but none on the Rivendell yet and all my longer 
rides were clipped in.  It's been a long while, so getting back to shape is 
going to be tough.
Ian A/Canada.

On Saturday, February 8, 2014 4:36:54 PM UTC-7, Larry Powers wrote:
> The simple answer is that if it was 96 hours anyone could do it.
> I think there is a a minimum speed you are expected to ride plus a minimum 
> number hours of sleep you are allotted and this adds up to 90 hours.  
> I have completed two 1200k Randonnees on my Rambouillet, BMB 2006 and PBP 
> 2007.  It takes a huge commitment to train and qualify for a 1200k and life 
> has caught up with me for the last few years.  This year I am in the hunt 
> to do a 1000k and shoot for PBP next year and I will still be riding my 
> Rambouillet.  
> Larry Powers 
> Get a bicycle.  You will not regret it if you live. - Mark Twain
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2014 05:26:36 -0800
> From: lamon...@mac.com <javascript:>
> To: rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Multiple grand randonnees on a Rivendell.
> Out of curiosity, why 90 hours rather than an even 4 days?
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Saturday, February 8, 2014 6:08:36 AM UTC-7, Iron Rider wrote:
> A 1200k brevet is a 750 mile ride that has to be completed in less than 90 
> hours. Bill and Mark Olsen regularly ride these epic events. Mark rides an 
> A. Homer Hilsen. They recently completed an interview describing their 
> approach. You can read it here:
> http://eprider.blogspot.com/2014/02/riding-grand-randonees-olsen-brothers.html
> -- 
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