The one flaw in the long fork ends is that typical (long) brake shoes which are 
properly oriented on the rim in the “normal” position can extend into the area 
of the tire when the wheel is moved far forward or back. In my experience, the 
extreme positions are only available if you don’t use the rear brake.
--Eric Norris
Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy

On Dec 24, 2013, at 8:58 AM, Shoji Takahashi <> wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> Here's a cyclofiend scan of the QB RR ad (no pics of the actual act of 
> shifting). Shifting for QB/SO is by un-bolting the rear wheel and moving the 
> chain to the cog (single or dingle) and/or chain ring (single or double). The 
> not-so-secret is that QB/SO has longer than typical rear fork ends (and they 
> have a slight curve). 
> Chain ring + cog combos chosen carefully as chain slack (like most 
> single-speed or fixed) is accommodated by axle position in the fork end. The 
> curve in the fork end is nice to keep the rim/rear brake position constant-- 
> no need to change the brake shoe position.
> Hope that helps, shoji
> On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:38:47 AM UTC-5, Tony DeFilippo wrote:
> I know this exists somewhere, could some one share a link, hopefully with 
> pictures describing the QB non-derailleur shifting options...
> I know it involves a surly dingle or WI Dos Eno with a corresponding double 
> crank.  But I'm not as clear on his you maintain use of the same chain with 
> the multiple combos.
> I just got my XO-3 setup with a WI eccentric hub so I'm trying for a quasi-QB 
> 26'er... Though the experience may just convince me I have to participate in 
> the Simple Beam/Quick One project!
> -- 
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