
My best workaround for getting good tire mounting on the Synergy 650B rim 
without building up the rim tape is to use wire bead tires.  

I have 4 sets of 650B Synergy wheels in my stable.  3 of those bikes are 
now shod with wire bead tires (Fatty Rumpkin/Force Field Fatty Rumpkin/Col 
de la Vie), and they all mounted up nicely with no unusual work.  The 
fourth bike I commonly use on brevets and refuse to run wire bead tires on 
it, so I went to the effort of building up the rim tape (I used gaffer tape 
to do the job) and put inthe time necessary to get the tires suitably 
straight.  That bike (an A Homer Hilsen) is currently running Lierres, but 
I also run it with Pari Motos, B-Lines, New Express and Hetres from time to 
time.  All need similar amounts of work.  Fixing a flat on brevet I just 
let them go where they want to go and accept it.  Having put in the work on 
the rim tape side, it's never terrible, but I've only had three flats on 
brevets.  All three were at night or in the rain or both, of course, so I 
was in no mood to be picky in any of the three situations.  :-)

On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 9:55:02 AM UTC-8, Jim Bronson wrote:
> If you already own the Synergy and don't plan on rebuilding on another 
> rim, what is the best strategy for working around the mounting limitations. 
>  I have seen the bit about careful mounting, but that's not a great option 
> if you are on a brevet and the clock is ticking.
> I also saw someone say to put more layers of rim tape, so the well is not 
> so deep.  
> Is there a particular tire that works well with the 650b Synergy without 
> having to go to either of these steps?
> On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 6:26 AM, Michael Hechmer 
> <mhec...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> The Hetere / Velocity thread seems to have veered toward a discussion of 
>> handling, so I decided to start over with a slightly different question.
>> I ride the Synergy rim with Pari-Moto tires.  It is true that they mount 
>> pretty loosely and it is hard to get them perfectly centered but I have 
>> gotten them good enough and have no problem with the ride or security. 
>>  However, I just noticed, in the last issue of BQ, that Velocity is now 
>> offering, through Boulder cycles, a new rim, the A23, which they describe 
>> as shallower, stronger, and shinier (!).  Has anyone on the list tried 
>> these rims?
>> Michael 
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> Keep the metal side up and the rubber side down! 

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