> I've had an axe since I was @ 10. My step-dad ran a firewood business so I 
> was handed a axe (hatchet, but seemed like an axe to a 10yo!) and told to 
> get limbing. I spent half of my weekends in the mountains felling trees on 
> forest service contracts to reduce fire danger. We would drag them out via 
> quad, load em up and I would spend my weeknights cutting, splitting, and 
> stacking. I did this from age 13 to 17. Despite chainsaws, hydraulic 
> splitters etc, we always kept several axes on hand that saw heavy use.

It was generally my responsibility to keep them honed and oiled which I 
enjoyed. I did learn that not all axe heads are created equal and the poor 
ones quickly made way to the scrap bin. That said, every True Temper head 
we worked with was exemplary, readily available, and inexpensive.

I probably have 5 axes. All found thrifting or garage sale. All less than a 
five spot each. All of them needed edge attention, and most handles. I've 
know about Gransfors for a long time, and admit I have some luxury lust. 
But then I think about the beautifully functional US made axes I brought 
back to life and the lust turns to silly.

To bring this back on topic, I have never considered or needed an axe while 
on my bike despite camping and back wood excursions. Maybe I never made the 
connection because I only own full size axes and not a proper hatchet?

On a side note, I wonder how many healthy trees have been needlessly downed 
by all the fashionjacks just wanting to instagram their best mades, GB's 


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