Maybe Greg spent too much time around the Framesaver. I hear it can kill
brain cells, haha.
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:42 PM, William <> wrote:

> My money is with Steve Palinscar.
> This reminds me of a long debate/argument I had with a coworker at the
> bike shop.  My coworker, Greg, insisted that an 18lb road bike was way
> faster than a 20lb road bike.  That's a commonly held position, as we all
> know.  I pointed out what I believe to be true that losing 2lbs off your
> body is equivalent to losing 2lbs off your bike.  That's another commonly
> held position, as we've all heard and read a dozen times.  This is where
> the debate got weird.
> Greg insisted that 2lbs off the bike is 10%, and therefore is equivalent
> to losing 10% of the rider's body weight.  an 18lb bike is way faster than
> a 20lb bike because it is 10% lighter.  A 180lb rider is way faster than a
> 200lb rider, because he is 10% lighter.  So it is more effective to lose a
> pound off the bike than it is off the body.
> I tried to counter his argument with the absurd example.  If mid climb,
> you took your full water bottle off your bike and put it in your jersey
> pocket, would you feel an instant rush of speed because the bike got 10%
> lighter and the rider got 1% heavier?  Greg insisted ABSOLUTELY YES, you
> would feel a burst of speed.  The debate devolved from there.  Greg
> insisted heavy shoes and light pedals is way faster since the pedal is part
> of the bike and the shoe is a part of the rider.  He explained that cleats
> are special, where the weight is shared.  My head exploded shortly
> thereafter and the argument ended.
> On Monday, January 14, 2013 11:10:01 AM UTC-8, eflayer wrote:
>> now that is an interesting proposal. i'd bet against you on that one
>> though :)
>> On Monday, January 14, 2013 6:24:34 AM UTC-8, Steve Palincsar wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2013-01-13 at 20:13 -0800, eflayer wrote:
>>> > I was surprised the OP did not think that pounds of extra weight might
>>> > not be responsible for the go fast feel of his go fast bike...even
>>> > though by some standards both are relatively heavy. But 4 pounds is 4
>>> > pounds. I was suggesting weight is a significant factor in the gestalt
>>> > of how a bike rides and feels to the rider.
>>> I don't think so.  Does your bike feel different when ridden with full
>>> vs. no water bottles, or with full vs. empty water bottles?  I doubt you
>>> could make any guess at all about the state of your water supply from
>>> the way your bike feels.
>>> Frame stiffness, now that's a totally different story, and one that is
>>> largely independent of weight.  Different tires can make a bike feel
>>> very different, too -- and again, not because of any weight difference.
>>> I'm confident if someone loaded the water bottles on your Specialized
>>> with lead shot to bring it up to the weight of your other bike, it would
>>> still feel different and better to you.
>>>  --
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