On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 12:08:26 AM UTC-8, charlie wrote:
> To quote from a Grant podcast as best as I can recollect....."Ask 
> yourself, would I ride these super long rides if I could not talk about 
> them or brag in any way about them to anyone?" 

I remember Grant had a blog post about that earlier this year. I sent him 
an email saying that while I frequently engaged in rides of 80+ miles a lot 
of this has to do with the fact that I don't drive. I live in Portland, OR 
and if I want to check out the view from Larch Mtn, see Multnomah Falls or 
get into the woods in the Mt Hood National Forest then I'm gonna ride out 
there and that means doing a long ride. I'm all for rambling around town or 
a leisurely ramble through Forest Park, but again, if I want the epic view 
from the top of Larch Mtn, then I gotta ride up there. It's erroneous to 
assume that the only reason people ride long distances is because it feels 
good when you stop or for bragging rights. Sure, two years ago I rode my 
Quickbeam all the way to the top of Larch Mtn and back on a hot day and I 
posted a link to the pictures of the ride here. But it's not bragging it's 
sharing experience. Yeah, I wanted to see what that was like and if I could 
do it, but it was also a quite pleasurable experience.

I've never done a road race, triathlon or participated in any kind of 
organized century or charity ride other than riding brevets. The idea of 
riding an organized century holds absolutely no appeal. Like Ted D. stated 
above "I love riding bicycles, and the more time I spend on a bicycle, the 
happier I am." What's so hard to understand about that? 


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