On Wed, 2012-12-12 at 06:09 -0800, Mike wrote:
> I remember Grant had a blog post about that earlier this year. I sent
> him an email saying that while I frequently engaged in rides of 80+
> miles a lot of this has to do with the fact that I don't drive. I live
> in Portland, OR and if I want to check out the view from Larch Mtn,
> see Multnomah Falls or get into the woods in the Mt Hood National
> Forest then I'm gonna ride out there and that means doing a long ride.
> I'm all for rambling around town or a leisurely ramble through Forest
> Park, but again, if I want the epic view from the top of Larch Mtn,
> then I gotta ride up there. It's erroneous to assume that the only
> reason people ride long distances is because it feels good when you
> stop or for bragging rights.

At a certain fitness level (in terms of both overall & training for
distance) rides in the 80-100 mile range are simply "ordinary rides,"
just as for many riders a 50 mile ride is nothing special, just an
ordinary ride.  Bragging has nothing to do with it.  Neither does
"feeling good when you stop."  It feels good to ride; that's why we do

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