i just wanted to provide another account of someone who's been frustrated 
with rear o/c velocity synrergy cracking around the drive-side eyelets. two 
wheels professionally built less than two years ago by two different 
builders (one by lesnik and the other by an experienced builder here in 
chicago ) have developed this same problem. 

i wonder if the issue is unique to velocity's o/c rims or not. it's funny, 
because the local builder suggested going with a non-o/c'd rear, but at my 
insistence went with the o/c option.  i am now considering having velocity 
replace the defective rims with non-o/c'd versions but still wonder if 
that's even a factor. either way, i hope the issue is gone with recent 
batches, because i want to really like these rims.

On Thursday, December 6, 2012 1:19:50 AM UTC-6, Tim wrote:
> Ok so I've had the Homer for 2 years and am about to get my third rear 
> wheel. Here's my story: Peter White built the bike and wheels. Velocity 
> Synergy with XT hubs and 36 spokes.I hit a pothole pretty good fairly early 
> in the bikes life. LBS said rim couldn't be tried so they built up another 
> Synergy with my hub. Fast forward to now. That wheel has maybe 5-7k miles 
> on it and has stress cracks all over it. They started around the spokes and 
> spread to the sides. So time for another. I'm working in CT now and found a 
> LBS that knows what a Riv is. Owner builds the wheels. Well, he says that 
> Synergy rims (and Velocity in general) are just not that good. I've heard 
> the same thing out of a couple of other people too, and they k ow more 
> about wheels than me. Thing is, I can't imagine why Riv and Peter would so 
> highly recommend them if they're poor quality. But my experiences are 
> making me wonder, what with 2 wheels in around 10k miles. LBS guy is 
> recommending a Mavic, I think one of the CXP styles saying they're much 
> stronger. What should I do???

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