> Today I have seen the price for a new B17 standard in black vary among 
> reputable online venders for as much as *$50 US dollars*.
> The questions are:

>  1. How much is the saddle worth to you?
> 2. How much customer loyalty, in this economy, are you able/willing to 
> extend, if your LBS is priced higher?
> 3. Should you give as much as 50$ to a stranger to buy their more 
> expensive saddle, in this economy, or is it better to keep it for your 
> wife and kids, since you have that option among B17 offerings online today?
Personally, I like a cheap score. But I think all the prices I saw today 
are fair to a certain degree. So I wouldn't feel ripped off for buying an 
expensive one.
However, I would hate to learn that a more expensive option was priced high 
only because "it can be".
On the business end, would it be wiser to price lower and sell, say, 9 
B17's a month, or price higher and sell, maybe 2 a month? I am not a 
business man and don't know how these things work.

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