It's not hardcore to have a flat or mechanical and be riding in the dark. 
 During the last tour we road in total darkness two nights.  Lets add the 
nights that a bar or town is close enough to camp to go to for 
entertainment.  I see touring needing dyno's as much as randonneuring folks 
and more so than commuters who can charge batteries at night at home.   
(Note my opinion based on how I tour)  Add in Summer tours with 100 degree 
days and night touring is the best bet to get some added miles without 
dealing with the extreme heat.  I've found nothing dangerous or wrong with 
night time riding on tour.  Once again my opinion.  


On Monday, October 8, 2012 1:47:21 PM UTC-5, IanA wrote:
> Dawn touring would be pretty hardcore.  Dusk touring, I understand, but is 
> something to avoid, unless setting up camp in the dark is your aim (easier 
> to hide!). Of course, if you're doing the B&B thing, a bit of dusk riding 
> doesn't hurt, except you are much harder to see by other vehicles. 
>  Normally best to tour in daylight.  Either way, all you should need is a 
> good  head-light like a Petzl, a back up light (maybe a second headlight, 
> like a Planet Bike headlight) and rear light (like a Planet Bike 
> Superflash).  Rechargeable batteries and a smaller wall charger, depending 
> on the length of the tour.
> For commuting and randonneuring, it would be hard to beat a hub dynamo 
> system.  As an example of component prices: - 
> A LX level Shimano dynamo with a Lumotec Cyo headlight is an economical 
> combination.  I seem to remember Patrick Moore had a combo similar to this 
> at one stage.  He might have some insights on this level of dynamo system.
>  I would appreciate a discussion of the various option of putting lights 
>> (front and rear) on my Sam H. I don't plan on doing much after dark riding 
>> but would like to have the illumination for dusk and dawn situation while 
>> touring. I am thinking of such things as: battery versus generator, brands, 
>> models, placement. Any insights would be appreciated. Benefitting from the 
>> experience of others will be a big help. Thanks
>> Don

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