>IMO, a sturdy, fat-tire Riv with capability to handle BOTH 
cantilevers/v-brakes and discs would be a neat thing - sort of a prettier 
> functional-equivalent to the Surly Troll or Ogre. I think it would 
broaden the appeal to potential customers who appreciate Riv's 
>aesthetic stylings and general approach, but aren't committed to using the 
same types of parts mountain bikers were stuck with 25 >years ago. 
Obviously, the true retro connoisseurs will scoff at the superfluous disc 
brake tabs they'd never use in a million years, but >the scoffers will be 
offset by those who'll embrace the added versatility. I count myself among 
the "embracers of versatility", by the
> way.

A convincing argument.  Versatility is good.

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