The lever limitations of road discs are the buzz kill; no hydraulic options, 
mechanical options with the V-brake cable pull ratio. The Avid BB-5 road is a 
solution to road brake lever pull, giving Trek the capability to put discs on 
their STI bikes. A close look at the BB-5 caliper shows how the unit was 
adapted to be operated by road levers by shortening the actuating bell crank at 
the far end of the cable. That resolves the cable movement issues but at an 
exchange of the force necessary for any stopping task. It also limits the range 
of motion of that little crank arm before the mechanical advantage is lost and 
you have to make an adjustment. 

For my all-weather commuter I chose the rarer road levers with V-pull ratio and 
Avid BB-7s. I haven't had the opportunity to experiment with all kinds of disc 
brakes but I can say the scariest bike experience I have had in decades was a 
two mile descent of a two lane road in an absolute downpour that rendered my 
rim brakes nearly useless at the end of Bike Pittsburgh last month. I wouldn't 
have set out on the 65mile ride on my Rambouillet had it been coming down like 
that first thing in the morning, it just ended up that way and made me imagine 
that descent on my commuter once I was off the Mount Washington.

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