On Jul 3, 10:19 pm, charlie <cl_v...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> It probably takes a year to produce because Grant doesn't have $20,000,000
> in the bank.........actually there are probably quite a few reasons why a
> company takes time to get something into production.....everything from
> financing, parts vendors, production availability, company debt (back
> to financing) etc. plus.... I'm sure they want to hit the mark and insure
> its a good seller.
Ah, I don't think it would take $20,000,000 to bring a bike to
market.  I suspect that manufacturers in Taiwan are much more nimble
than that, and I suspect that parts manufacturers will be happy to
make sales.

Let's say Riv is shooting for a 35% margin, which would be very solid
in the bike world.  That's a cost of $910 each.  How many would they
do in a first run?  A hundred?  Two hundred?  I have no idea how many
units Rivendell can sell of a new, entry-level model, but let's say
two hundred, which might be enough to realize some production
efficiencies.  That represents a cost of $182,000.  Not an
insignificant amount of money, but not anywhere near $20,000,000.  As
far as ensuring that it's a "good seller" -- that might mean appealing
to a somewhat mainstream audience, which would be a bit of a switch in
posture and in marketing strategy.

Riv has had historic alliances with Merry Sales (if I recall correctly
-- weren't they the folks who distributed the Bleriot?  Or was it
QBP?), as well as with Soma.  Any of those could be very helpful in
lining up suppliers and supplies.

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