I hear you, Tim.  I used a set of lovely, lightweight 25 mm Vittoria Open 
CX's on my go-fast until the rear tread wore through with one, maybe two 
flats total over a couple of thousand miles.  But, when I was trying to 
commute on 650b's I went through a stretch where I flatted daily, that's 
less than 25 miles between flats.  I switched from Col de la Vie's to 
Marathons, still had flats.  All due to thorns or glass, I found every one 
of them.  At least I was never late to work.  I stopped commuting on that 
bike and bought some Pacenti Paris-Motos to try to use it for faster fun 
rides.  I averaged about 30 miles between punctures until I got tired of 
that and traded them for some Hetres.  I think those wide tires found every 
sharp object in the road.  None of my 700c tires flat nearly so often. 


On Thursday, May 17, 2012 6:09:19 AM UTC-7, Tim wrote:
> Well, I have almost never been able to find the source of my flats. 
> Most of them have been punctures, with the occasional snake bite 
> thrown in for good measure. I always search for something inside the 
> tire after a flat. I wrecked a wheel on a pothole last year got some 
> flats with the new wheel and discovered that it was from a spoke hole 
> that was not completely covered with rim tape. I retired my rear 
> Marathon Racer when I found some damage inside the tire. I weigh 
> around 200 and only carry a small carradice big with basic items, so 
> I'm not loaded at all. And virtually all of my miles were paved last 
> year. I guess my main frustration is that I keep reading and hearing 
> that bigger tires=less flats, and my experience has been quite the 
> opposite, and I thought I was doing all the right things. I keep the 
> tire label at the valve stem so I can locate the source of the 
> puncture. I try to use every advantage I have heard about. I ran 
> 110psi on my 23s, and 90-100 on my 28's, 80-90 on 30's...you get the 
> picture. This year has been better than last, although my mileage is 
> also less. I'm not going back to skinny tires, that's for sure, so 
> I'll keep searching...

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