I hope you will be able to join after all, Steve, but if not this
year, this rally, maybe next year or another Riv Rally.  Let's hope
there will be plenty.
Fallingwater is not simply a house.  It's an extraordinary place... a
place that I could spend every day enjoying, let alone a mere hour-
long snapshot.  One day I dream of building a place for my wife that
captures even just a small whiff of the same essence that Fallingwater
embodies.... Hah, I'm dreamin...


On Feb 8, 5:24 pm, islaysteve <alkire...@verizon.net> wrote:
> It’s increasingly unlikely that I will be able to ride this one, but I
> wanted to put in my 2 cents about Fallingwater for anyone who’s
> considering (or not considering) the side trip:  Do it.  You may have seen
> other Wright houses and buildings, or Wright and architecture may not be on
> your radar at all.  But I can tell you that Fallingwater is the crown
> jewel.  I can’t imagine anyone not being interested/impressed/awed by the
> concept, execution, beauty and accomplishment of this house, built during
> the Depression.  I’d say that it’s the second most famous house in America,
> but some may argue.  Were I to ride RivRally East 2012, I might not take
> the Fallingwater tour, because I’ve toured it about 8 times in the last 35
> years.  Last time was last June, for a major birthday, when I had a
> trifecta:  Fallingwater, Kentuck Knob and 3 days staying in one of the
> Wright apprentice houses (Balter House) at Polymath Park, a bit further
> north in PA.  A memorable birthday, which is an understatement to be sure.
> I will say that the tour is quite structured now, but that is out of
> necessity because of the volume of visitors.  It is still very interesting,
> the guides are very knowledgeable and I learn something new each time.
> You won’t be disappointed.
> Again, thanks to Bobby for organizing this.  Looking forward to riding with
> you all, if not this time, some time.  Steve

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