Hmm. I did not know that. Something tells me this new system won't last. 

If this is the way people have to use the system, Riv will now have a lot 
of little sales with very little revenue - it's going to be like "The Price 
Is Right" where the game is to get your shopping cart as close to $0.01 
over your rebate as possible - and they will create twice as many orders 
and shipping tickets as everyone splits their purchases.

I honestly never gave a thought to my rebate - it showed up as a "gift" in 
January. It was a very nice gesture of customer appreciation that required 
no effort on my part. But now it's a game where you have to pay attention 
or you won't get the credits, or they'll expire, etc. Now it's become all 
about what's being taken away, or not gotten in the first place. 

I'll probably just go back to not giving it a thought.

-Pete in CT
Loving his new-to-me Quickbeam

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