On Jan 26, 11:22 pm, charlie <cl_v...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> The genetically superior folks just go faster but I think we can do the
> same damage exercising at our 85% zone too.
There's an important distinction here - most folks can't or simply
don't want to exercise at 85% of the max heart rate for very long, if
at all.  85% is used as a general reference point for reaching one's
anaerobic threshold (AT) - it can be lower or higher depending on
fitness.  Average fit athletes usually have an AT between 75-85%, well-
trained athletes can be between 85-95%.  Moreover, AT is pretty fluid
- with training, it can be increased.  When we sit around, it's
lower.  Even average athletes will notice the physiological changes as
they become more fit - for instance, those hills early in the year
that used to really take the breath away are somehow not as bad later
in the year; that 30 min 3 mi run turns into 27mins; activity that
used to be moderate/hard seems easier?  The body adapts to exercise
intensity and duration, and adapts in different ways given different
intensities and duration.  Getting fast is really just a matter of
raising your AT so that you can work harder for longer - no superior
genetics needed!   Exercise physiology is science, but it's not rocket
science.   Improving fitness is pretty straightforward and results
come pretty quick with structured training.

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