I recently got interested in Randonneuring as a very long-term riding
goal and during my research I found a story a guy wrote about an event
that included himself, Jan Heine and another guy.  Jan ended the trip
fine, the other guy had to be carried home and the author of the story
ended up in the hospital.  I hope that situation is an anomaly in the
sport but it certainly made me lose interest.

My preferred ride tends to be an interval workout.  I tend to ride
hard, ride easy to recover, ride hard, ride easy to recover, etc..,
etc....   The upper end of the timing is a bit less than an hour.  I
once bought a road bike and tried longer distance at a steady pace but
didn't much care for it.  I think what I'm doing is probably more
healthy and is certainly more fun for me.

On Jan 25, 8:06 pm, robert zeidler <zeidler.rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I quit racing in '92-having to pay to wait around all day just sucked. But
> I like "training ", I like competing against self in a strictly selfish
> way. I do send my times to people, but only because they've asked me to.
> I've been shocked at how many elite triathletes end up with pacemakers and
> assorted other ailments related to the heart. But it takes really sick
> efforts to make one, well, really sick.
> In between we have Randonneuring. Which is nothing more than racing when
> you come down to it. I love Jan Heine, and am inspired by his travels. But
> if/when I ever ride across France, it ain't gonna be at night. If I climb
> the Tourmalet, it's gonna be in bright sunshine, not just a check on a list
> as part of some private-parts measurement story for my friends.
> Cyclotouring to me, and as it applies to this group, seems to strike the
> right balance. Travel, good health, good scenery, good food, hopefully
> shared with like-minded good people.
> I 'm not against the extremes, but as a way of life....I don't get it. I
> have an ongoing dialogue with Jill Homer on this very topic.
> Sorry to ramble, but I think about it quite a bit.
> On Wednesday, January 25, 2012, Grant Petersen <gr...@rivbike.com> wrote:
> > Super neat and thanks, Michael. I love this stuff...as you've supposed.
> I'll finish reading it tonite. Thank you, really, for sending..
> > On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Michael Hechmer <mhech...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> A while back the Riv Reader published an article challenging the
> benefits of ultra endurance events.  With that in mind, I offer this
> research report:
> http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2012/01/25/cardio-ma...
> >> I have to admit, I have long since gotten over any urge to do anything
> that smacks of "training", so perhaps this appeals to my preconceived
> desires.>> blessings,
> >> michael
> > --
> > Grant
> > Rivendell Bicycle Works
> >www.rivbike.com
> > 925 933 7304
> > --
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