"They almost certainly also told her a compact double gave her the
identical low gear that she would have with a triple.  And, for a
narrow set of assumptions, it does."

I've heard this from more than one source & I too puzzle about it.
Assuming the typical MCRB comes with a standard Shimano road cassette,
the "big" (I use the term loosely) cog is 27 or 28.  If a road triple
has a 30 inner ring & a compact double a 34, something has to change
before the bike leaves the shop to get that "identical low".

Recently I have seen a number of racing bikes fitted with wide range
cassettes with 32 or 34 big cogs.  I had this discussion during a long
climb with a gal with such a set-up.  She was kinda grinding away on
her lightweight, compact double racing bike while I was able to keep
up a decent cadence with the 24 granny on my Atlantis.  We discussed
the possibility of a triple along with the wide range cassette being
more useful on such a climb.  The subject of comparative bike weights
was left untouched.


On Dec 29, 1:21 pm, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-12-29 at 11:50 -0600, Joan Oppel wrote:
> >  She asked me why I could so easily go up the hills (well, I do ride a
> > LOT and usually on hilly terrain).  I said, well, you might do better
> > with more gears.  She replied, I know, I shouldn't have listened to
> > the guy in the bike shop who sold me this bike and told me it had all
> > the gears I would ever need.
> They almost certainly also told her a compact double gave her the
> identical low gear that she would have with a triple.  And, for a very
> narrow set of assumptions, it does.
> Of course, that set of assumptions doesn't include cassettes with 32, 34
> or 36 tooth sprockets, or granny rings with 24 or 26 teeth, or triples
> with big rings of 46 or 48 teeth: in other words, Joan Oppel-style
> gearing!  That is to say, the sort of gearing you will find on most
> Rivendells.

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