Or maybe Jobst took all those Alpine descents at full speed and didn't
need to brake.

Maybe I don't ride any particular set of wheels enough, or I'm spoiled
by riding relatively clean, dry NorCal pavement all year round, but
I've never had a rim that showed significant sidewall wear.


On Dec 5, 12:35 am, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <thill....@gmail.com>
> We had a string of rim failures this summer, maybe 5-6 in just a few weeks 
> (it seemed). All were cases of simple wear, except in Eric's case, where 
> there was an obvious groove likely caused by a foreign object in an otherwise 
> lightly worn rim. One guy had worn out and cracked both rims in a very short 
> time, but he is well known at the shop for his rapid pace of brake pad wear 
> (I suspect he brakes subconsciously at every intersection or any long-shot 
> potential for danger).
> Rims are definitely a wear item. I've read claims by old-timers like Jobst 
> Brandt that suggest rims should last tens of thousands of miles. IME, that is 
> generally not the case. Perhaps modern rim alloys are softer, or maybe brake 
> pads are different, or perhaps there are more bike commuters out in foul 
> weather nowadays?

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