We had a string of rim failures this summer, maybe 5-6 in just a few weeks (it 
seemed). All were cases of simple wear, except in Eric's case, where there was 
an obvious groove likely caused by a foreign object in an otherwise lightly 
worn rim. One guy had worn out and cracked both rims in a very short time, but 
he is well known at the shop for his rapid pace of brake pad wear (I suspect he 
brakes subconsciously at every intersection or any long-shot potential for 

Rims are definitely a wear item. I've read claims by old-timers like Jobst 
Brandt that suggest rims should last tens of thousands of miles. IME, that is 
generally not the case. Perhaps modern rim alloys are softer, or maybe brake 
pads are different, or perhaps there are more bike commuters out in foul 
weather nowadays?

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