Curious what price a Legolas would bring... I don't recall ever seeing
one for sale.
On Jun 14, 2:17 pm, William <> wrote:
> It seems that only the Bleriot is worth more than original retail in
> the resale market.  Single top tube Hillbornes seem to be worth about
> $700-$800 on the resale market.  Atlantis and Hilsens and Salukis seem
> to go for $1200-$1400.  Bombadils do not hold their value well at all,
> from what I've seen.  Maybe $1000-$1200.  I'd be interested to see
> what a Wilbury or Glorius would go for, since they seem to come up
> VERY rarely.  Rambouillets seem to go in the $800-$1000 range.
> Quickbeams can pull very close to their retail price.
> On Jun 14, 11:10 am, Brett Lindenbach <>
> wrote:
> > I bought a 59 cm Blériot frame and fork in very good condition on ebay late
> > last year, and paid $910.  That was the market rate on that day, and I was
> > almost outbid.  I was glad to pay it too, as it is a great frameset.

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