+1 to Patrick's advice.  I also just built my first bike (Riv Blériot) and 
sought advice on this from various sources.  The rules of thumb I used were:
1) grease where the threads are big and strong (like on a BB) or on 
unthreaded connections (e.g. stem into top tube).  I used Phil grease.
2) finer oil on smaller threads.  I used either Phil oil or Boeshield 
depending on my mood.
3) wax on things that I want to grip tight but may want to easily remove or 
adjust.  I didn't have any beeswax, but happened to have some Akempucky 
Bench Lube Tub (for woodworking), which contains a mixture of waxes (bee and 
others).  Works fine.
4) do nothing on metal bolt that contact teflon-coated nuts.
The only thing I would do different would have been to use less grease on my 
bar-end shifters.  One of them just loosened and popped out of my bar during 
a recent tour.
Good luck with the build!

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