On Mar 17, 7:49 pm, doug peterson <dougpn...@cox.net> wrote:
> There's more to it than just gross tonnage.  My wife has 2 bikes that
> weigh within a water bottle of each other.  She claims the Atlantis
> feels much lighter, and she climbs noticebly faster on it.  I'm happy
> to encourage that sort of thinking.
> My bike usually weighs around 30 lbs with Nitto big back rack, small
> front rack, and Acorn Boxy Rando bag mostly empty.  Strong wheels &
> nice cushy 35 mm tires seem a small performance loss to give up for
> reliability & comfort.
> dougP
> On Mar 17, 5:54 pm, MichaelH <mhech...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > OK, now that we have dispensed with helmets, allow me to raise another
> > controversial topic.
> > This is not like, when am I too heavy, which is easy.... right now.
> > I have 4 bikes, well 6 really, but we wont go into those details.  All
> > four of them are around 62 cm and get ridden regularly - a 1988
> > classic stage racing frame, weighing around 22 lbs; a Rambouillet,
> > outfitted with White/ Open Pro wheels,  a White dbl crank, Honjo
> > fenders,  a Mark's Rack, and light tires also weighing about 22 lbs.;
> > a 1984 Trek (Reynolds 531 standard gauge tubing)  with Shimano 9 speed
> > cranks and shifters, SKS Fenders, Passella 32 mm T Guards and  coming
> > in around 25 lbs; and An Ebisu All Purpose, with front and real steel
> > racks, steel fenders, MA 40 Rims, triple DaVinci Cranks, and 38 mm
> > Avocet Cross tires that weighs in at a hefty 30 lbs.
> > I live in Vermont, which has lots of rolling hills and some
> > significant climbs.   Do you think the 5 lbs alone, between the Trek
> > and Ebisu is enough to effect the performance?  What about the 3 lb
> > difference between the Rambouillet and the Trek?  Or, are the
> > perceived differences imaginary?
> > michael- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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