on my last two week trip with coupled Rambouillet, I did the
reassemble on the lawn in front of my hotel.  That took about 45
minutes and I had stuff strewn all over the lawn.  Lot's of parts,
pads, tools, etc.   This was a typical assembly location.  When the
trip was over, I was offered the use of a conference room inside the
hotel as the location to do the disassemble and packing.  Indoors with
no distractions and a banquet table is my preferred venue.  All was
smooth, quiet and having a place to put tools and lean the bike can
make a subtle difference.
On Sep 17, 8:35 am, GeorgeS <chobur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a Surly Traveler's Check which is the Cross Check with S&S
> couplers.  It has been absolutely one of my best purchases ever.  No
> problem with the airlines.  No big bulky bike box with the threat of
> enormous fees and/or outright rejection hanging over the trip.  No
> danger of severe damage or loss of pieces coming out of the box.  The
> peace of mind in traveling, for me, is priceless.  That's why the cost
> effective argument doesn't make sense.  One may be willing to live
> with the downsides of airline travel with the bike in a card board box
> rather than pay the admittedly high cost of couplers and case.  That's
> a matter of personal preference.  But what one cannot do is obtain the
> advantages of a coupled bike for less money than the cost of couplers
> and a hard case.  There is also the assembly/disassembly problem.  It
> takes me approximately one hour to unpack and get the bike ready to
> ride and a little more time to disassemble and pack the bike.  For me,
> if I'm going for a multi-week trip, the time spent on assembly/
> disasembly is insignificant.  If the trip is for a couple of days,
> I'll take the Brompton.  Again, it's a matter of what one is willing
> to put up with.  If the assembly/disassembly time is so unpleasant and
> frustrating that it threatens to spoil one's vacation, then the
> couplers are not worth the cost whatever that is.
> GeorgeS
> On Sep 16, 8:11 pm, Lynne Fitz <fitzb...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > I sent my Bleriot frame off to Bilenky for S&S couplers before I built
> > it up.  Bleriot was also, until recently, my randonneuring bike.
> > Seems to work just fine :-)  No problems.  It has also been packed and
> > taken on airplanes many times (Europe twice.  Mostly to the family
> > summer place).  No problems ever.  No extra charge because it was a
> > bicycle, ever.  At most, the "piece of luggage" charge.
> > I expect I could try to rationalize the cost - I had the conversion
> > done before the S&S price increase.  I figured couplers, case, and
> > packing accessories added $1000 to the cost.  10 flights with a non-
> > coupled bike would have been that much in extra luggage charges.  Or
> > renting a bike at my destination.  Having MY go-to bicycle at my
> > destination that fits ME... priceless.
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/lynnefitz/sets/72157594509789929/with/32...
> > As it is, my new custom rando bike also has S&S couplers, but I didn't
> > have to buy the case and packing accessories, because I've already got
> > them.
> > One of my bikes will be going to Ireland next summer; haven't decided
> > which one.
> > Lynne F
> > On Sep 15, 7:32 pm, Kip Otteson <kip.otte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I noticed yesterday that my kickstand was sitting at a very awkward
> > > angle.  I moved it a little and I could see that my kickstand plate
> > > was ripping off of my frame.  I have a Pletscher double kickstand on
> > > the Bombadil and I think that when it was parked at school someone sat
> > > on it and bent it all up.  Bummer deal.  I took off the kickstand and
> > > now am really old-new school with a bike I have to lean up against
> > > things, like in the old days.  I was worried that the chainstays would
> > > be hammered as well but they look fine.  I'll have to wait till I'm
> > > back in the states to get it fixed properly.
> > > BTW - I thought that if I was going to get the frame fixed I'd be
> > > looking at sending it to Bilenky Bike Works and getting S and S
> > > couplers fitted for a more travel friendly machine.  Anybody out there
> > > experienced converting a frame to a travel bike?
> > > Kip Otteson
> > > Chiang Mai, Thailand- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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