Well, since you asked -

I went over to non-electric shaving last year when the Musgo showed
up.  Had to try it.  Been hooked on it since.  Took a long time to
find a brush I liked.

For blades, am switching between Mach 3 and Fusion. Sometimes think of
going more "old skool".  But just don't trust myself enough.

Of course, if I remember correctly, Grant was using just pine tar soap
and shaving in the shower.

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

On Aug 11, 8:36 pm, Bruce <fullylug...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> The Gillette Mach 3 blades will last me 3 - 4 months, if rinsed immediately
> after use. I need to log when I put one in to service or I'll lose track of 
> how
> long it's been in the razor.
> ________________________________
> From: Bill M. <bmenn...@comcast.net>
> To: RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 8:16:28 PM
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Man-Topic [Shaving Facial Hair]
> On the rare occasion I shave with a blade (generally after a week of
> camping when I haven't shaved at all), I use a mug and brush and a
> cheap modern twin blade.
> Otherwise, I use a Norelco, which allows me to shave first thing in
> the morning when my eyes aren't open enough to see myself in the
> mirror.  I often shave with my eyes closed, just by feel.  A blade
> shaves closer, but the electric is fuss free, uses no water (a
> precious commodity where I live), and probably saves energy as
> compared to running hot water.
> My barber uses a straight razor to trim around the edges.  I can
> really tell when the blade is less than perfectly sharp.
> Bill
> On Aug 11, 2:22 pm, "S.Cutshall" <clotht...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Odd?  Unrelated?  I think not [Rivendell sells Porto-Shaving-Cream,
> > so... ].
> > I am not one to shave often.  When I do it's for two distinct reasons:
> > 1.  I look up, while brushing teeth, and jump with fright at what I
> > see looking back at me in the mirror.
> > Or...
> > 2.  My wife and/or daughter tell me to [because I repulse them].
> > Fair enough.
> > For years, and because I have a 'Stache, I've simply used an 'lectric
> > trimmer [no, not an actual electric shaver--more of an electric beard
> > trimmer] and it leaves a fair amount of stubble... so I am not really
> > ever -that- shaved right after I shave.
> > So, I grew [pun] tired of the stubbled look and began a search for a
> > non-electric shaver that doesn't look an Apple product or like a Casio
> > "Baby-G" wristwatch, or is not disposable... and it took a minute
> > too.  And then I found a site called "Classic Shaving"... wow, the
> > choices were about as endless as looking for a new tire pump on a walk
> > through Interbike.
> > In the end, I selected a nice German shaver, a Merkur [just like my
> > dad used when I was a youngster], some blades, a nice brush, mug and
> > some cream.  Cost around $160.00 for the whole setup, but I figure
> > it'll save money over time, space in land fills and I can have a
> > better shave [when I remember to do it].
> > Anyway else here shave 'Old Skool'?
> > Was tempted to enter my toes into the world of Straight Razors but the
> > prices for those [plus all the additional accessories] -and the
> > thoughts of all the failures while in the Learning Curve stage Re:
> > loss of facial skin- put the kibosh on that.
> > PS--> Guess this could be a Lady-Topic too [but I doubt many women
> > would own up to having facial hair that needs shaving].
> > -Scott
> --
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