Perhaps I was more controversial in the title of my original post than
I intended.  I meant 'discount' as in, you know, discount:

1 : a reduction made from the gross amount or value of something

Some people think TT length is THE most important dimension on a
bike.  Every one of you has read a post on this or another bike-
related forum in which the poster claimed exactly that.  Some of you
have written a post like that.  Grant stated in his post above and in
the RivNews thing yesterday, that it's not THE most important
dimension on a bike.  Obviously he didn't mean that TT length is
totally meaningless.  He put it in its place, somewhat lower than the
top.  A reduction in value...a discount.

On Aug 10, 8:39 am, grant <> wrote:
> Top Tube Length
> When you draw enough frames (and one may be "enough') you'll see that
> the forwardmost point of a fixed-length top tube depends on the drop
> (barely) and the seat tube angle (heavily), and that alone---with
> nothing else added to the discussion---illustrates that a 57cm tt on
> one bike is not a-gonna put that point at the same spot as a 57cm top
> tube on another bike (with a different seat tube angle).
> When you mix into the equation (as you gotta, there's no denying,
> there's no choice here, you just hafta) the additional and equally-if-
> not-more dramatic effects of raising the handlebar and dicking around
> (is that OK to say?) with stem length, then it is super easy to see
> that harping on "top tube length" without the context of all these
> other factors is like walking around the streets saying "I like
> spices."
> A long time ago, shortly after "Q-Factor" went  public in Bicycle
> Guide magazine, there was another "factor" article, called "The Z-
> Factor" that talked more about the top tube, and addressed the thing
> Bob Cooper mentioned briefly here:
> "The top tube should really be measured from a point in space that is
> directly above the bottom bracket spindle to the center of the headset
> lock nut and level with the lock nut."
> May not be izzzactly the same, but "Z-Factor" iz cloze to dat.
> Anyway, EVERY tube on a bike frame matters, but a bike frame in the
> design stage is like one of those kid's toys made up of straight
> sticks and ball joints that you can reshape by pulling and pushing and
> squeezing to your heart's content, and every movment affects a bunch
> of other stuff. Please, when I die, don't engrave on my urn, "Dude
> didn't think top tube length mattered one whit."
> When there's a roar of public opinion that warrants a dissenting
> voice, and you're the mouse with that dissenting voice, you gotta
> squawk loudly to be heard above it, or else....nobody hears. So every
> now and then you can expect me to squawk about how top tube length
> "doesn't matter"....but I know it DOES MATTER, but it is like the
> spice in a sauce....izzall.
> That is what I think. Nothing's what I know.
> G

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