My view is that if you need to push your saddle so far back, do so, it's
where your butt wants to be given the riding style.  If you can't achieve
that position with a normal or at least available seatppost, the seat tube
angle needs to be numerically lower - a custom frame perhaps.

After that your desired reach is based on your upper body riding position,
and selecting it is much more art than science, thought you can use geometry
once you know your desired body posiiton and dimensions.  Other
considerations include head tube angle and front wheel position, for desired
steering and clearances (tight for racing or looser for a tourer or
rando-type bike).

Then you can set chainstay length to establish weight distribution.  That's
how you won't have a front wheel that's too light.  BTW, have you weighed
the bike wheel by wheel with you on board?  Then you'll know how far the
bike deviates from the "normal" 55% rear 45% front with you on it.

Or if you can go through all this as an intellectual, non-frame building
exercise, you might be able to find the frame parameters that fit your
needs.  Then you can just shop for a suitable existing frame.

But there's another possibility: your positioning is not best for you when
you slam that saddle, and a more basic adjustment and re-acclimation is

Yet a third, is to speak to Richard Sachs or another of the "greats," and
see if you can pay for a custom frame design.  Then shop your desired
dimensions to a fabricator who is affordable and with better response time.

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 11:49 PM, andrew hill <> wrote:

> it's a factor for me too - 84.5 pbh and 5'11 for me.
> not totally sure how to compensate.. i end up pushing the seat way back and
> putting the bars up high .. but i think that unweights the front end a bit
> too much, and contributes to wandering handling on my Sam Hillborne.
> -andrew
> On Aug 9, 2010, at 8:01 PM, kps wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Aug 9, 9:35 pm, cyclotourist <> wrote:
> >> Every woman I know has had a tremendously hard time fitting frames
> (whatever
> >> the maker) due to "reach."
> >
> > it's definitely a factor for me.  i'm 5'8-1/2" or so, with a pbh of
> > 84.45
> >
> > --
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Ken Freeman
Ann Arbor, MI USA

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