Hi Riv Owners,

So probably most of you know how this works better than I, but just in case 
I can save even one person the aggravation I am going through, I want to 
pass some advice on. 

I just bought a Riv Platy (yay!) from a bike shop in CA, and am having it 
shipped to NM via BikeFlights. The BikeFlights web interface is great, but 
it's still a bit confusing if you haven't done this before (trust me, it 
is). Anyway, before I had even placed the BikeFlights order and without my 
asking, the bike shop guys told me to choose the no cost option for pickup 
because UPS stops by their shop every day, and I could save some money. I 
was glad for any advice on this and so chose that option, even though I 
noticed that it only saved me $5 on a shipping that costs ~$300 with the 
insurance. Unfortunately, as it turns out, in the following 2.5 days 
(starting Wednesday noon), UPS never showed up, and unless they show up in 
the remaining few hours of the day, the next pickup will be Monday. So, the 
well-meaning bike shop guys (they are really nice!) tried to save me $5 on 
a $300 shipping and the likely result is that I incurred something like a 5 
day delay in a very costly process. Even worse, I'm headed out of town next 
Thursday morning for 4 days, so unless a shipping miracle occurs, my wife 
will not be able to ride her bike until I get back in town and set it up, 
so almost 2 weeks after we scheduled the shipping. Ouch!! Could this have 
gone more poorly?

Now that I get how this works I would NEVER choose the option to *not* 
schedule a pickup when shipping from a bike shop and I called the bike shop 
guys and (calmly, nicely) told them that they should make sure customers 
understand the possible downside of their advice. 

In the end, we will get the bike and I'm sure love it, but what a mess this 
has been, and I can only hope that I can save someone from going through 
it. For sure, I won't make this mistake again. 

Probably a different one, though...


Chris Young
(sadly waiting for a Platy)

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