David, thank you for contributing more detail…I really appreciate it. I 
have one question, though…logistically, to figure shipping costs, I need to 
know the size and weight of the box I’ll be shipping. But I can’t get those 
numbers until the bike and the accessories are packed, right? So I have to 
trust this enough to break the bike down and pack it before I get paid. And 
if it falls through at that point, I’ve got a small mess on my hands, don’t 

On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 9:26:47 PM UTC-5 meti...@gmail.com wrote:

> Julian, I haven’t yet spoken to the buyer, and I plan to do that before 
> this goes any further. Today was simply a ZOO with Thanksgiving tomorrow, 
> so I was juggling his messages with cooking pies, etc. :) I I HAVE searched 
> for him online and have found him located in the town in which he tells me 
> he lives. I have an address because of my google search, but he has a very 
> limited FB presence. His only (three)  posts on the Rivendell page where I 
> found his query all occurred within the past two weeks…one query for a 50cm 
> Rosco, and another for a Tosco or a Bosco bar. He joined that page only 
> three weeks ago. 
> Also, he asked for an invoice. Is that customary?
> On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 9:17:01 PM UTC-5 Julian Westerhout 
> wrote:
>> Liz, 
>> Have you talked to the buyer via phone yet? Given the oddities you've 
>> mentioned I'd encourage you to do so -- I think it helps establish bona 
>> fides -- if something feels off after the phone call then I'd cancel the 
>> sale. You might also do a search of the buyer's name and address online, as 
>> well as looking in depth at their FB profile -- again, if something feels 
>> off I'd cancel the sale. 
>> I've bought and sold a number of bikes at a distance -- and as both a 
>> buyer and seller I do my best to get a good feel for whom I am dealing 
>> with. In my experience the phone call is really worthwhile. I have 
>> cancelled at least one sale and one purchase due to being a bit 
>> uncomfortable -- no regrets. 
>> Good luck! 
>> Julian Westerhout
>> Bloomington, IL 
>> On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 8:03:09 PM UTC-6 meti...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I responded to a FB query for a blue, 52cm Clem Smith Jr. L  on the 
>>> “Rivendell Bicycles BUY/SELL/TRADE” page. I have that very bike, and  now 
>>> that I have a Platypus, I’m willing to sell my Clem. 
>>> The potential buyer and I have had a flurry of FB messenger exchanges 
>>> about price, etc, today, and we’ve reached an agreeable price. Now comes 
>>> the tricky part (for me): 
>>> My bike shop will disassemble the bike and box it. I know what they’ll 
>>> charge for that.
>>>  But I don’t know the best way to have it shipped or how to figure the 
>>> price for shipping…and if the buyer’s gonna pay the shipping, how does that 
>>> work? Does he choose the carrier or do I?
>>> I’m cautious about all of this…I don’t know how the buyer and I can 
>>> trust one another…there have been some ever-so-slight oddities in our 
>>> message exchanges that make me a tad uneasy. I don’t care at all about the 
>>> oddities IF the buyer pays the bill before I send him the bike—is that the 
>>> customary order to these transactions?
>>> I’m pretty comfortable selling what I think are higher-ticket items when 
>>> the transaction occurs face to face, but I’m not at all sure of the process 
>>> online when it also includes third parties like shipping companies.
>>> So, I’m asking for direction from  this group, please (and the man I’m 
>>> dealing with doesn’t seem to be a member here). 
>>> Liz in Cincinnati 
>>> (And if this deal falls through let it be known that, I’m open to 
>>> selling my pretty Clem) 

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