Sorry that sounded a bit rude and I'm not questioning you're experience if 
you found it to not feel how you wish it to. Of course even with the same 
trail number, different head tube angles will have a different feel - but 
technically, the AHH has similar wheel flop. 

On Tuesday 12 November 2024 at 13:05:44 UTC-8 Jason Fuller wrote:

Have you ridden the AHH?  The trail between the two bikes is with 2mm or 
so, so the "floppiness" should be indistinguishable between the two - Riv 
pays close attention to mechanical trail, increasing fork offset when the 
HTA is slackened.  Good to know they're the same tubing!  Kind of 
surprising.  I know Grant would roll his eyes but I would love to see 
accurate frame weights for each, just out of curiosity. 

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