Hi Dan, This is my wheelhouse, so to speak. I am 5'10" with a 91 PBH. (Juxtapose that to my 6'7" beau with a PBH of 94. He has a much longer body and longer arms.) Clearly, the issue is really the ratio between leg length and arm length, with body length thrown in for good measure. I have had the Albatross, on a Cheviot that I swapped out for Boscos, and Boscos on a Clem L that I swapped in from Toscos, which did not provide enough back sweep to be comfortable because my arms aren't that long for how far back my seat needs to be (my femurs are crazy long). I compare that to where the car seat is when I drive: I have the seat all the way back (except in European autos were it is almost all the way back) and need a telescoping steering wheel to have an even remotely comfortable reach. I sit very upright in a car. Compare that to the beau, who has the seat all the way back (has even re-seated seats back in prior vehicles), but sits so reclined, it feels like nap time to me, but not to him.
But I digress. The other variable is width. I don't find the Riv bars narrow. Just wait until you try to go through someplace narrow and you will see they aren't narrow at all. My shoulder width is approximately 16" so I can go narrow; stability wants wider, so the choice is from there. I suppose body width plays for knees. I can't speak to that as we are both slender so our legs are in a straight line from our hips. Now for the best news of all: if the back sweep is too much, you can saw off the excess. I used gloves instead of grips until I figured out my shifters, brakes, etc., and then made the arrangement "permanent" with cork grips; you could do same for adjusting the back sweep. kiley On Monday, August 19, 2024 at 2:03:32 PM UTC-7 Dan wrote: > So I have ordered my Appaloosa and am trying to get my parts in order. I > plan on making the purchase of the "you pick the fun stuff, we pick the > rest" to go along with the Appaloosa. My biggest conundrum is the > handlebars. I have 91.5 PBH and have concerns with kneeing my hands or the > handlebars. Originally I was thinking the Billie bar because I like the > option of gripping next to the stem but looking at whatbars.com, > comparing to other riv handlebars, they seem to sweep back a bit more than > others. I have never used swept back bars before and have no option to view > these bars in person so here I am yet again looking for some insights! > Basically, I'd like a bar that comes back to a comfortable position without > me having to lean too far forward and allows me to get a tight grip when I > want to. Just dont want to get a setup that causes me to get too close to > the handlebars is all. I plan on going with thumb shifters if that helps to > know. > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/0a3eda78-8696-4dd2-836d-ab412029b7c9n%40googlegroups.com.