Thanks for all of your replies! Tom, yes I failed to mention it but I will 
be primarily be riding paved surfaces with a dash of crushed gravel where I 
can find it. I'm in Philadelphia so most of the local trail systems are 
either paved or in the process of maybe one day being paved. Nothing 
technical but I'll be trying to get on the dirt when possible. 
Realistically 90/10 road and gravel with the hopes for more gravel if I can 
find it. That Ahearne Map is nice looking. If I had the ability to get that 
in with my build, I would. I'll keep that one in mind though in case 
whatever I get from Riv is too tight for me.

On Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 6:18:08 AM UTC-4 Tom wrote:

> Dan, what type of riding will you do predominately?  
> An Albatross doesn't come back as far as a Bosco, has a wider angle, and 
> when you want to stomp on it you can put your hands up in the 'hooks' and 
> its comfortable.  Great for general more roadish riding.
> Another one to look at is the Ahearne+Map 
> <>, an awesome 
> bar, doesn't come back too far, can get in 575 or 610 widths, silver or 
> black.  Perfect angles, great for anything, and more substantial/suitable 
> than Albatross if you're going on gravel or light singletrack occasionally, 
> but primarily roads/packed/paved riding.  Similar to this is the Jitensha, 
> which has a wider flare that the Ahearne+Map, which might work better if 
> you like narrower bars, need more reach, and need to clear paths with tight 
> trees (or cars, etc) on either side.
> I agree with others that the Jones H bar is a super bar, esp if you're 
> going onto rougher stuff or loose gravel a lot.  Certainly wider than any 
> of the above.  I've personally not preferred the look of it on lighter 
> bikes, but that's me.  I had it on my first 59 Clem, which was suitably 
> beefy with knobbies ... it was a super gravel setup.
> Here's a pic I did 5 or so yrs ago comparing an Albastache, Ahearne+Map, 
> Jitensha, and Bosco 55.
> [image: Albastache_AhearneMap_Jitensha_Bosco55.jpg]
> Tom
> On Monday, August 19, 2024 at 5:03:32 PM UTC-4 Dan wrote:
>> So I have ordered my Appaloosa and am trying to get my parts in order. I 
>> plan on making the purchase of the "you pick the fun stuff, we pick the 
>> rest" to go along with the Appaloosa. My biggest conundrum is the 
>> handlebars. I have 91.5 PBH and have concerns with kneeing my hands or the 
>> handlebars. Originally I was thinking the Billie bar because I like the 
>> option of gripping next to the stem but looking at, 
>> comparing to other riv handlebars, they seem to sweep back a bit more than 
>> others. I have never used swept back bars before and have no option to view 
>> these bars in person so here I am yet again looking for some insights! 
>> Basically, I'd like a bar that comes back to a comfortable position without 
>> me having to lean too far forward and allows me to get a tight grip when I 
>> want to. Just dont want to get a setup that causes me to get too close to 
>> the handlebars is all. I plan on going with thumb shifters if that helps to 
>> know.

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