Design. Or playing with numbers and ideas which led to a 'hey, lookit
that' moment, which is more like art.

I'm 41, and I've been feebler and abler, heavier and lighter with this
bike. It's ideal for a beautiful ride up along a gentle creek that
suddenly hits a wall and climbs like hell. Sonoma and Yamhill counties
are both built like that. Sweetwater Springs Rd. I'm getting homesick
- anyone have a graphic or web design job in Sonoma? :^)

If you have to cross several long steeps in your daily commute, the
gear changes or leg-huffs could get old. Or you could get really fast
at the changes, or really strong on the climbing, or develop
incredible leg speed on the flats. If it's all steep ups and downs,
just gear low and coast.


Rob Harrison wrote:
> That is really interesting Philip.... Kind of a brilliant
> happenstance, or design, not sure which.
> I'm intrigued by the simplicity and elegance of these bikes, but just
> can't see how they'd work for me in hilly Seattle. Anyone (old) ride a
> Quickbeam where there are real hills?
> Rob in Seattle
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Philip Williamson wrote:
> > The low gear moves the axle back, which lengthens the chainstays.
> > Because of the QBs angled dropouts, it also slackens the seat and head
> > angles. The bike gets stabler. Generally, it allows more room at the
> > chainstay pinch point for a fatter or knobbier tire. So you have an
> > excellent handling road bike with 28mm tires (or even 25s), and an
> > excellent handling dirt bike with 35s to 40s. Or a great all around
> > bike with 35 mm tires. When I wear out the tires I have, I think I'll
> > go for the Jack Brown greens at 33 1/3.
> >
> > The Quickbeam is an awesome bike. You shouldn't wait for the
> > SimpleOne, you should see if you can find a used QB right away! :^)

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