This is interesting. I'll try to take a few pics of the two bikes that
I mentioned, measuring the reach, and post them to my Flickr account.
One thing I was thinking about after I read your post is that when in
the hooks with Moustache bars, one's hands are oriented like they are
on flat bars. Because of this, the elbows may swing out and the chest
sink, causing the back to lower. If you're riding on the hoods on drop
bars, your palms face each other. This position (at least with me)
often causes my elbows to swing in, forcing my chest, and back, up.

Anyway, hope I haven't drifted too far off topic. But, it is relevant
to me, as I'm working on dialing in the fit with my Moustache'ioed
Quickbeam :) I, too, like my drop bars, but am hoping that the
Moustaches will work out for this build.


On Jun 8, 10:18 am, Jim Cloud <> wrote:
> I definitely concur that the Mustache bars extend the reach compared
> to conventional drop bars.  I started using the Mustache bars on a
> vintage Schwinn Paramount bicycle approximately in 1994 after the bars
> were originally introduced on the Bridgestone XO-1 (I purchased my M-
> bars from a local Bridgestone dealer).  I fitted the bars originally
> using my Cinelli 1-A stem with a 110mm extension (and a sleeve to size
> the stem to accommodate the bars).  This was too much of a reach for
> my purpose, and I subsequently switched the stem with a Ritchey Force
> 80mm extension model that I purchased directly from Rivendell after
> Grant stared that operation (the Ritchey stem was the same model used
> on the XO-1).
> Even with the Ritchey stem, the reach to the curve of the bars was
> longer than a conventional drop bar.  After considerable use of my
> Mustache bars, I recently reverted my Paramount back to the original
> Cinelli bars and stem.  Personally, I prefer the variety of positions
> offered by a conventional drop bar over those available on the
> Mustache bars (I particularly like the position riding with my hands
> on the hoods of the brakes).
> Just my two cents.
> Jim Cloud
> On Jun 8, 12:20 am, Joe Bernard <> wrote:
> > I'm going to disagree with this. In my curve-bar days I tried M-bars
> > and Noodles on the same stem, and found the reach to the curved
> > portion of the Ms to "feel" further away than the hoods of the
> > Noodles. I suspect this has something to do with the hands being
> > placed in a different plane. Plus, I've often heard that people need
> > to switch to a shorter stem when switching from drops to M-bars.
> > On Jun 7, 9:23 pm, Lee <> wrote:
> > > > I guess the question then is, am I right or am I just justifying a
> > > > shiny new toy?  Does a mustache bar let you stretch out more (assuming
> > > > a stem of the same proportions?)
> > > Hi Kent. I believe that it would depend on where you normally position
> > > your hands on your drop bars. If you normally ride on the flats or the
> > > corners, then yes, the Moustache bars will let you lengthen out. If
> > > you normally ride on the hoods, then the Moustache bars most likely
> > > won't (unless you currently use a very short-reach set of drops).
> > > Good luck!
> > > Lee

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