On 5/5/20 12:37 AM, Leah Peterson wrote:
I just got back from 14 miles of fun. You all have never LIVED until you’ve had 
air in your tires. I soared up the hills. I shook my teeth loose bombing down 
the hills! Did you all ride horses growing up? I rode my bucking Clem all over 
these trails and I did not fall off, not even once.

Fine, Steve and DP, you guys are a little right - I could let some air out. 
That bike really rattled on the way down Killer Hill, and I could feel the 
grips jumping around trying to shake loose of my hands. But come on, it was 
FUN. Have *you* ever ridden your bucking Clem around *your* neighborhood? No, 
you haven’t, because you insist on sensible tire pressures and supple tires and 
miss out on all the fun.

So must be at least 10 years ago now, standing on the dinner line at Bike Virginia, and there's this group just ahead of me, people from Virginia Beach, talking about tire pressure.  This one guy - huge - a Deuce and a Half for sure, built like a football player, and he's saying how much he loves his 19mm tires blown up to as close to 200 psi as he dares.  There's only one "hill" in the area, a bridge, and he's saying how much he loves coming down that bridge at top speed, the entire bike vibrating, his teeth rattling, because it feels so/fast.../

Ian - hilarious and so relatable. I’m laughing with you, not at you. Also, you 
are the only one who’s offered an Admission of A Thing You Ought To Have Known. 
Gold star!

Andrew - thank you; that’s so nice. ☺️ You can stay.

Joe - YOU THINK I WAS BORN IN THE 70S?!? There was no 70s station wagon - there 
was a sweet 90s GMC Safari van with the inexplicable maroon striping down the 
sides that I called “our racing stripes.” It had cup holders. It was slick. 
Also, Joe is right about the roads here - they’re nice.

Steve was today years old when he learned not to guess at a woman’s weight.

Right day, wrong lesson: today he learned to be more mindful of what he writes while floating on Tramadol, and not to leave out the "at least".

Steve Palincsar
Alexandria, Virginia

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