I have done a couple of 40 mile rides this year. The terrain is the
same. I probably over did it a bit, since the pain was only in my left
Achilles I want to make sure it isn't something in my set up.

On Apr 6, 5:40 pm, doug peterson <> wrote:
> Shawn:
> Have you done much riding this season?  Is this a significantly longer
> distance than normal?  New terrain?  More hills?  80 miles coming off
> this winter (depending on where you live) could be over-doing it a
> bit.  New bike?  Changes from the old bike?  Could be a lot of stuff.
> dougP
> On Apr 6, 2:17 pm, Shawn <> wrote:
> > After an 80 mile ride on Saturday I had pain in my left Achilles. I
> > rode clipped in. What might be the cause of the pain?

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