When I had a bike with Bosco Bars I had to torque the stem bar connection 
pretty tight not to get slippage when I stood up to pedal if I was gripping 
near the end of the bars. There is so much leverage with that bar. On a 
future Clem build I would seriously consider the Bullmoose stem combo bar.

On Monday, December 2, 2019 at 10:38:24 AM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote:
> One day I must try one. It would be nice to have a bike that is 
> comfortable for casual rides (I realize that they are comfortable for more 
> than that, but this is the niche I'd want it for, as well as the 
> following), taking the dog for a run, hauling groceries, and with knobby 
> tires for riding bosque trails, and for more technical stuff than I feel 
> comfortable with using drop bars (I realize too that the Susie and Gus and 
> so forth are not designed for technical stuff, but an upright position will 
> be better than inclined over narrow -- and I like narrow and hate wide -- 
> drop bars). Although I prefer a road bike position for most on and off 
> pavement riding, there are times when a road position just isn't the most 
> suitable one.
> In fact, what made me think of Clems and kin was our recent snow. I'd like 
> a bike I can ride in the stuff on the rare occasions we get enough of it to 
> make a difference. No bike I own is suitable -- last one was that '96 
> Bontrager Race Lite, and that had too high a bb and felt awkwardly "tippy."
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 8:28 AM Joe Bernard <joer...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Yes, the very long cockpits on these bikes leaves plenty of room for 
>> popping up and forward to stand. In fact - contrary to the stuff I said 
>> about bars - I'm fairly certain Leah does her 'standing arms workout' thing 
>> with hands at the ends of the Boscos. 
>> -- 
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> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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