The idea of mixed lugs seems fitting & the term "refixedup" is
catching.  On the price question, I dunno, it's a lot of work to first
take apart a frame enough to get the damaged parts out & then re-
build.  Think re-modeling a kitchen.  Probably a bit more to it than
most of us realize.
When we talk about the repairability of steel during our travels, for
most of us that's a broken drop-out or failed rack mount.  These can
be fixed by any weld repair shop in the developed world or the guy
with the charcoal forge in a 3rd world country.  It'll be interesting
to see how Rivendell fares on tube replacements.  I really hope it
works out but I wouldn't expect huge discounts.  Hey, these bikes will
have even more character, each being unique & with built-in history.


On Mar 6, 11:36 am, Beth H <> wrote:
> Gernot wrote:
> > I do hope they come in at a significant savings over new ones (how
> > about 33% off?).
> Well, too much of a discount would force Rivendell to eat the cost of
> repairs. I'd assume these are being handed over to a framebuilder for
> tube replacement and then off to a painter. Consider the cost of
> replacing a frame tube (last time I checked locally it ran around
> 250-400 bucks per tube, depending on the builder); a simple powder-
> coat job (including old paint removal and surface prep) will set you
> back a MINIMUM of 100-150 bucks if done professionally. Of course
> there's some devaluing to be expected because the frame had been in
> need of repair in the first place; but all I'm saying is don't grumble
> too much if the cost of repair forces Riv and Co. to set what some
> might consider a high price for the finished product.
> I would guess that resurrecting the frame to prove steel's durability
> is more the point here. I don't expect a screaming bargain-basement
> sort of thing, because if they est the price too low that WOULD
> devalue everything else they do.
> I'm just sayin'...

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