> I saw his bikes at nahbs, too. I noticed that my visceral response to
> straight-blade forks is fairly negative. The bike feels unfinished to
> me.

Well, I am only going off this picture (second in the set) - which is
not the best angle for the fork - but it does not appear to be a
straight blade fork.  In fact, it seems to have a nice perhaps more
English than French bend:


On Feb 28, 8:07 am, Seth Vidal <skvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 9:03 AM, JoelMatthews <joelmatth...@mac.com> wrote:
> >> Starting to notice a few more of Brad's bikes here in the Twin
> >> Cities.  There are probably more, but I'm not part of any "in" crowd.
> >> Jim from Hiawatha (Riv dealer = Riv content) went out to the show.
> >> Hopefully he'll have a nice long report after returning.
> > Another builder from up your way, Dominguez Cycle, has a real tasteful
> > Rando at the show.  Not so fab as some of the other bikes so not in as
> > many of the photo collections.  Maybe Jim will have some pictures.
> I saw his bikes at nahbs, too. I noticed that my visceral response to
> straight-blade forks is fairly negative. The bike feels unfinished to
> me.
> -sv

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